"Is this a temptation?" Whitewater thought, this is not a temptation-Fujita Tao should not have come this far. After all, she didn’t have an unpleasant quarrel with her husband. It was hormones that made her unconsciously make such a move. "She just got psychological satisfaction through the attention of a young man like me-but I don’t think she can suppress this flame when the time comes."

Whitewater watched it for a while, but Mrs. Tao didn’t seem to put it in order, and it soon dragged on-this time she let the cat out of the bag because she said hello to Whitewater, saying that she knew that Whitewater looked at her cheek a little behind her, and Mrs. Red Peach greeted […]

Natural bloody emperor also notes.

I can get the news of the seven-phase ritual array for the first time. It didn’t take long for four arrays to be broken. He "yi" a. "There seems to be something in the blue star world." "Pucara is a bit disappointing." It’s disappointing that the bloody emperor didn’t care much, but his face remained […]

It is impossible for him to fight Melo’s heaven.

But now the male angels, who were once driven out of the heavenly city by the holy Kesha Rose Sebert, are led by Wang Huaye, the heavenly king, to attack Melo’s heavenly palace. There is a traitor, Ruoning. Melo’s defense against Kaki has not played its due role. At present, the main fighting force of […]

And Mr. Lucky is here. He struggled to keep the world eraser from causing more damage and erasing a corner of the planet Brotta.

When Tang Chuan appeared in front of them, Mr. Digital also realized, "Is it time yet?" Tang Chuan nodded slightly. "Give me that half and I’ll help you end this disaster." Ms. Element suddenly said, "Will our strength also disappear?" Tang Chuan nodded. "I’m afraid so." "But …" "Stop talking" Having mastered the power of […]

If you encounter a difficult monster, even if it is three to one, you will fall into a hard battle.

The captain of the victory team, Ju Hui, should be careful than to estimate the strength of the monster. "With your strength, there is absolutely no problem." Day patted JuHui shoulder gently encourage. The victory team went out to continue the theatre the next day. It has been some time since the space shuttle Jeep-Ta-3 […]

Have a little chat

At this moment, a young man who looks like a drag is about thirteen or fourteen years old, but his strength has reached the peak of advanced martial arts. Body qi and blood are a little surging out. Of course, he is much worse than Yang Guang at the beginning. After all, this person’s qi […]

In fact, many buildings built by the cult can dream of energy bodies and are connected with columns.

But the descendants of the dream eater usually stay in the cylinder, but now they have all turned into nearby buildings and lost their stones … I don’t know this situation. Because they don’t know much about dreams at present, and the information left by the order doesn’t describe the specific situation of these dream […]

Nockton’s expression said, "I can watch the door."

Tang Chuan thought for a second and said, "I’m not like this. My genetic soul is strong enough to be free from mere desires." Kuntasha: "You must be more eloquent if you don’t hesitate for a second." Tang Chuan’s face is not red and he is out of breath. "That second is to give me […]

Lin Xiao’s chilling breath suddenly converged. He nodded gently and smiled. "That’s good!"

The slender forefinger is beating like a flower in the wind. Lin Xiao has already produced hundreds of handprints in that moment. The changes of the handprints have turned into the Dan furnace. The purple Dan gas is like a wisp of elves rushing back to the Dan furnace with the changes of Lin Xiao’s […]

Although it sounds powerful, they actually occupy a small area.

They are mainly the main base areas of this floating continent, and then there are some’ subsidiary sites’ nearby, which generally occupy a small part of this whole’ sacred land’ There are many creatures in other places, but there are also some dangerous creatures here. Lin also heard from the residents here that some dangerous […]