"Well," Xixinkou River, "he has been named in the local top ten outstanding young people, and we want his alma mater, that is, your school, to find something unusual to experience his deeds."

"I’ll take a look at it. His physical education major seems to be average, but his performance in taking paleontology major is good. You see that his performance is better than that of professional students. You should know that the Institute of Paleontology in our school is world-renowned. Is this for you? His thesis was […]

And Mr. Lucky is here. He struggled to keep the world eraser from causing more damage and erasing a corner of the planet Brotta.

When Tang Chuan appeared in front of them, Mr. Digital also realized, "Is it time yet?" Tang Chuan nodded slightly. "Give me that half and I’ll help you end this disaster." Ms. Element suddenly said, "Will our strength also disappear?" Tang Chuan nodded. "I’m afraid so." "But …" "Stop talking" Having mastered the power of […]

Even if he makes another kind of martial arts palm, it will not help at present, and the palm needs both hands to cooperate, but Yang Guang can move with one hand, so this subgrade is not possible

After all, he has to deal with a werewolf with a high level of martial arts, and even if he doesn’t change, Yang Guang must be hard to resist at this time. …… On the other hand, Jeter learned from this famous martial arts disciple at the fastest speed in his life. Before his blood […]

The monk wore a red robe, held the golden lotus in his hand, and hung 110 tantric beads in front of him, and a pair of linen sandals. His eyes were clean, but he looked at Nanshan Zen master who was full of earthly breath with pride and disrespect.

The monk bowed his head and said "Welcome to the Great Monk" This honorific title falls on both sides of the stone steps, and the monks salute and sing in unison. At the moment, the red maple flies all over the sky to cross the undead, and Li Xingyun, a thousand Nanshan Zen masters, is […]

Lin Xiao’s chilling breath suddenly converged. He nodded gently and smiled. "That’s good!"

The slender forefinger is beating like a flower in the wind. Lin Xiao has already produced hundreds of handprints in that moment. The changes of the handprints have turned into the Dan furnace. The purple Dan gas is like a wisp of elves rushing back to the Dan furnace with the changes of Lin Xiao’s […]

Chapter 142 Deteriorated meat

And if he thinks too much, Longyou won’t do that. Besides, Longyou doesn’t need Li Rongsheng to do anything. "There is a dialogue between him and the boss of Jingcheng Steel, a dialogue between him and Yin Shihua and Zhang Peize!" Li Rongsheng thought for a long time and handed the recorder to Longyou. Longyou […]

"I’m not at ease either!"

“……?” After a while, Feng Hongyu quietly pulled his clothes and whispered, "two dog, I think it’s convenient!" "Ok, I will accompany you!" They just car suddenly from the moonlit surface, an object is like a shell leaving a chamber. At first glance, it is aimed at the wind and the red fish. At this […]

He has a picture of flowers and swords.

He bent his bow and arrow, merged with the Yuan God’s flower-washing sword, and stripped it out into a sword and arrow full of divinity. That’s not enough! He also wants to borrow an arrow from Chongyang Chongyang is also an arrow. He also has a mixed map of heaven and earth. Luo Changfeng drank […]

And let Mu Yan ran return the ancient relics of Lingyuan to the descendants of Lingyuan’s first relatives.

Ling Yuan’s ancient successors are very grateful to Mu Yan ran, and the Ling family has a higher sense of identity with her. Ling Jiexin soon returned to Yandao from Cangli Island. Ling Yuanxiang heard that Ling Youdao had broken through the middle period of the foundation, so it was not good to disturb the […]

57 successful clearance

After a while, a man leaned out and looked at the opposite high-flying roof, made a retreat gesture and hurried downstairs! Back in the confidential room, Goofy pretended to be watching through binoculars, and saw a man fly from the balcony on the fourth floor opposite to climb the roof, and then ran from the […]