Seeing that big smelly mouth is about to stick to yourself, Qin used his quick wits to enlarge and shouted, "You deserve to be my teacher. You will have to refine your smelly mouth if you want to refine it at the back of your armpit."

上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园广州98场推荐 Seeing that big smelly mouth is about to stick to yourself, Qin used his quick wits to enlarge and shouted, "You deserve to be my teacher. You will have to refine your smelly mouth if you want to refine it at the back of your armpit."

Seeing that big smelly mouth is about to stick to yourself, Qin used his quick wits to enlarge and shouted, "You deserve to be my teacher. You will have to refine your smelly mouth if you want to refine it at the back of your armpit."

The abnormal magician heard that Zheng really didn’t approach again, but asked after his face was uncertain. How did you know that I was covering the door when you knew how to refine it?
Qin destroyed andao a lottery. Fortunately, from this guy’s fear of hidden weapons’s reaction, he associated himself with a shallow kung fu eagle claw iron cloth shirt in the past, which actually hit the nail on the head. He was not afraid of this abnormal condition when he wanted his interest.
After a pause, Qin said frankly, tell me what a magician can do first. Aren’t you all guys who are weak and can pant after running a few steps?
The abnormal sorcerer heard the words, ha ha, a smile, and his mouth was full of brown, big die and quarrelling magic. In terms of attributes, quarrelling magic can’t be combined, and he can’t double-cultivate at the same time. You said that it was the Aramaic magic age five hundred years ago, and now it’s the magic martial arts double-cultivate. Which sorcerer didn’t practice a few martial arts skills? Speaking of it, I really want to thank the one who said that he was good at heaven five hundred years ago. It was he who brought hundreds of martial arts skills from another world that made the sorcerer’s profession
Qin destroyed the mystery and smiled gently and said, in fact, I can tell you a secret.
After saying his word, Qin snuffed out his lips, and a dark iron needle ejected from the bottom of his tongue and stabbed the whisperer in the eye.
This needle body is extremely tiny, and the castration of Qin’s special tongue-playing skills in the past life is unstoppable. Once it sinks into the abnormal magician’s left eye, it almost passes through the skull.
You should know that the most powerful muscle of the human body is the tongue, and Qin Michuang’s tongue-playing skill is not unified. In hidden weapons’s technique, the breath-blowing and shooting method is more concealed than the breath-blowing and hidden weapons’s tongue-shooting and bow-shooting. It will not cause the other side to guard against the change of breath, and it is necessary to master the exact method that even ordinary people without martial arts can kill people.
The abnormal sorcerer was caught off guard and immediately left half of his vision. The five-level sorcerer realized his strongest trick.
The necromancer’s corpse-controlling puppet has a strong black gas that can be seen by the naked eye. As soon as it erupts, it engulfs most of Qin’s body.
It is no wonder that this abnormal magician likes something strange. He is usually a wind wizard, but his best skill is actually necromancy.
Qin destroy see each other can also start work with a wry smile gently shook his head, he has always been a self-hidden weapons never feed poison this needle can’t put each other through the brain and die so surely.
The rich black resin gas was destroyed by the Qin Dynasty. First of all, I felt that my whole body was being bitten by several insect ants. When my body was separated into tens of millions of strands of pain, it was simply unbearable.
It is at this moment that Qin destroyed the body as if something had been touched.
The dazzling holy light bloomed in the Qin Dynasty, and Shang Pou Xue immediately vaporized the body. Not only did the scope of the holy light continue to expand, but a large account was illuminated with several powerful spotlights.
At the same time, the abnormal magician was full of black gas when the holy light shone, and in a short time, several pieces of rags fell quietly.
As soon as the magician died, the Qin dynasty’s wind binding technique immediately lost its effectiveness.
Qin destroy the heart is very surprised, this is an incredible reversal, don’t through the time lucky value also get high?
I looked down at my chest, which is the source of the highest purity of the holy light. I don’t know when I got a silvery white beetle tattoo.
This is not just a tattoo. Qin Miao can clearly feel that this thing is born in a strange state of his own body and contains a very strong energy slowly returning to the body.
I don’t know why this thing was suddenly inspired by Qin’s sudden inspiration. I immediately sat cross-legged on the spot and guided this powerful holy force to guide them into the strange meridians of my weak trunk.
Qin Miao’s choice doubt is really because he has never lacked the ability to seize opportunities.
In this noble and broad holy force, Qin destroyed a drum of gas and rushed to the perineum, Yutang Qugu Tianchong Mingmen. These five acupoints finally got through a big vein by taking advantage of it.
Although this holy light is not the same in martial arts, it still has a pure energy, which will save a lot of effort after pulse. It is like that the meridians of human body are composed of rivers, and this powerful holy light energy will loosen and widen the longest river, and all you have to do is inject river water into this river.
Wait until this sudden burst of holy light energy came to a standstill, and then there was no rest. Qin destroyed it and slowly got up from the ground.
The abnormal magician has vanished in the holy light, leaving a few rags scattered on the ground.
However, the Qin dynasty did not leave here, but it was a plan.
I’m so unfamiliar with this world that I know that this world is not easy to mix up just now. Most magicians practice magic and martial arts, which means that this world has not seen those magical worlds in fantasy novel.
On first being smart enough to be qualified to live.
Qin destroyed the golden tent and searched it carefully. Everything that has been recognized can be gathered in a pile.
This bag of golden toys should be the gold coins of this world. Qin Miao looked at these gold coins carefully. The craftsmanship was not bad, but he took three pieces and hid them in the soles of his shoes. He still knew it.
I can’t understand what’s written on this side, although it must be a good thing, but forget it. The goal can’t be too big. While talking, I’m tossing and turning in this pile of things and making choices.
Depend on this kind of thing, the true martial arts secret, Qin dynasty destroyed and turned over a spectrum book with power lines. Although the characters are not very understandable, these people know at a glance how many times they look at it
Bah, I’m still a good thing. Come on, this kind of staple goods. Forget it. I’ll burn it for you. After turning over a few pages, Qin found that it was just a lazy trick, and there was no interest.