Gouliu looked at Meng Fei coldly. I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon. This is the person who injured us and robbed us today.

上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园广州品茶网 Gouliu looked at Meng Fei coldly. I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon. This is the person who injured us and robbed us today.

Gouliu looked at Meng Fei coldly. I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon. This is the person who injured us and robbed us today.

Oh, actually killing the city and injuring me. XuanYuanzong, are you provoking me? XuanYuanzong is not dignified. The handsome young master in front of him looks gloomy. The old man is hurting people. Give him back in your hand before he hurts them.
I already know about this, little fellow. Since you are sitting here, you’d better give in easily. It’s much better to suffer from skin and flesh.
Although this person did not show any repair, it was chilling that his eyes closed and occasionally crossed the divine light.
Strong life and death
Meng Fei sullen this old strength is in addition to the bone inside the temple that mystery in his strongest practice.
But even if he is strong in life and death, he can’t fix this with the help of Meng Fei’s heart.
Hum, don’t sell your old age according to your old age. I think you also know that everyone has to hold their tails tight in here. If anyone touches the rules here, you must know better than me. If Meng Fei laughs coldly and wants to start work, you can start to see if I will be afraid of you.
Hey, hey, good puffed-up community’s earth star level strength dares to sit here. I must be really tired of talking. Today, the old man will let you know that even if the earth star level strength moves, you are still vulnerable before you.
The elder XuanYuanZong was said by Meng Fei, and his face turned pale. After he showed his skill, the little one was not scared out of his wits. I didn’t expect to be directly humiliated by him.
Being ashamed and angry will no longer continue to disguise good looks and become ferocious.
Ge Lao, you don’t have to be angry with a junior, do you? But to tell the truth, we are really lucky. So many forces are together to contain this little person, but we just bumped into him without chasing him.
Young master, we XuanYuanzong have always had good luck, otherwise how could it have developed to this day? You don’t want to escape. Hey, hey, give your things to grandpa, and you may be happy to save your life. Otherwise, today is your anniversary.
Knowing that Meng Fei came to react to these XuanYuanzong people, even if they were killed, they wouldn’t choose to intimidate Meng Fei, but once again, they must be thunderous to nullify this damn teenager.
Because Meng Fei suddenly jumped up and roared after listening to their words, a mysterious Yuan Zong old thing. You got my tears from Doyle’s auction house and I have to kill people. I won’t let you go as a ghost.
This sound is full of grievances, grief and indignation, and a great anger is killing the city with this roar.
Want to grab the old stuff, put the blame on it first, and Meng Fei said that he has developed his body into a very ghostly one and suddenly disappeared into the dense forest. Chapter 222 Pit you to death.
Nima rabbit cub
Xiao Wang egg, you die. Three old men with white hair and beard are all tearing their hair out at the moment and chasing them along the direction of Meng Fei’s disappearance.
Meng Fei’s voice is like a lion’s roar hiding in the killing city. Almost everyone has heard it, even more than ten miles away from the city gate.
At that time, I don’t know how much strength is earth. After listening to that roar, my heart rises with complicated thoughts.
Especially in killing some forces in the city, people can’t help but feel a strong resentment and jealousy after hearing the words "Tears of the Gods".
The old ladies are fighting to the death in here, and you XuanYuanzong people have actually picked up great benefits. At this moment, not many people will analyze whether the grief and anger are true or not.
Even if there is a one-in-a-thousand hope, they will fight for it, not to mention the false possibility. Who dares to provoke Xuanyuanzong when he is full and has nothing to do?
Tears of the gods are treasures that ordinary people don’t understand, but they need a little position. Which one is not clear?
In those days, this thing has attracted four abnormal levels to fight hard.
The war directly destroyed hundreds of cities and millions of people died.
This is a real treasure.
Tears of the gods, an ancient treasure root, are not cultivated and imagined now, which will attract talents and be sought after by so many people.
Xuanyuanzong Xuanyuanzong
At this moment, most people’s minds are no longer killing cities and flying back to the camps.
Go back to Wanxing mainland and go to Xuanyuanzong. At that time, several people ordered the target Xuanyuanzong.
Xuan Hongyuan is very angry now, very angry and extremely angry.
I was furious.
At the moment, he regretted that he had sent someone to crush the little one on the spot.
I regret that I said too much nonsense just now, and I regret that I didn’t ban here and completely cut off Meng Fei’s retreat
He regrets many things. This tough young master has never regretted and hated like this since he was born.
Because he never dreamed that Meng Fei’s posture should exert this strange force, and even the three great life and death situations around him could not catch up for a while, which was beyond his imagination
Meng Fei’s evasion technique makes the two XuanYuanzong elders who are chasing after him sigh and check. They can almost conclude that that damn little strength may not even reach Tianchen realm.
But it can escape from them many times like a loach.
This chase has been going on for half a day.