Although sharp sharp thorns instantly cut off a large area of black worms and finely powdered black rain, the number of nematodes is really amazing, and the blink of an eye has climbed along the two arms of exterminating Cang Lan.

上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园广州夜网 Although sharp sharp thorns instantly cut off a large area of black worms and finely powdered black rain, the number of nematodes is really amazing, and the blink of an eye has climbed along the two arms of exterminating Cang Lan.

Although sharp sharp thorns instantly cut off a large area of black worms and finely powdered black rain, the number of nematodes is really amazing, and the blink of an eye has climbed along the two arms of exterminating Cang Lan.

Well, when the surging billows fly around, they go straight into the sky like an arrow. With the rapid rotation speed, they keep getting rid of the worms. Naina’s cold mountain night clock sends the poison to the maximum extent, which can mobilize the gas. It’s less than eleven, and even the blood purple fog can’t be started.
Fine bites covered the body to see that large nematodes were about to climb out of Canglan’s face, and suddenly I saw two cold lights chopping through it, cutting off the swarm that kept climbing out of Canglan’s body, and cutting off more than half of it into pieces.
Cang Lan’s brother Qing Luo instantly rushed to his ear to destroy Cang Lan and saw her hand with two chains and machetes. Two crescent-like lights shone instantly and split a knife, and the nematodes were cut off and fell to the ground.
However, Qingluo is a brother in a cloud. This weapon sounds quite handy. Canglan snigger is better than a little girl, but she immediately stabilizes her mind. She borrows Qingluo’s strength to shake off the nematodes, and at the same time holds her hands sharp and sharp, and she will try her best to blend in with her hands and instantly explode. The heavy Guanghua ground-splitting swarm is as good as Hanshan night clock.
Drinking the cold mountain night bell, I suddenly pushed myself to the ground, and an eagle leaned down to spread its wings. Generally, I jumped high and kicked several puppet figures. They rushed over and hit the Guanghua group head-on, and immediately burst into a piece of black droplets and four scattered dances.
The night bell in Hanshan fell far to the ground and fell to the ground and roared like wild animals. Those black dolls broke their arms with this horrible cry, and the nematodes surged more violently. The mountains flew to the middle of the school to destroy Cang Lan.
If you don’t kill the cold mountain night bell, the worm won’t stop killing Cang Lan’s knife-shaped eyebrows. When you pick a critical moment, you hold Qingluo soaring to the sky and temporarily leave the swarm, but the horse will be swallowed up by the swarm and Alo’s brother’s life is in your hands. I’m going to rush over and kill the old monster. You clear the way for me.
Well, I know that Qingluo’s face glowed with a strange fighting spirit, as if a short-term fear, but she tapped her militant demeanor and nodded firmly
Destroy Cang Lan smiled and smiled in a flash, shining like the sun. Violet was robbed of blood at night, and the fighting spirit was fierce and the situation was more dangerous. The hotter he was, the more he had to vent. Destroy Cang Lan turned and flashed to the ground, almost clinging to those who kept surging and the insects flew away. A faint blood fog finally haunted his body.
Look at me. I’m in the middle school. I see Qingluo flexibly waving two chains, machetes and chains. The wind is blowing, the silver light is flashing, and the knife gas is broken. Those who are eager to surround and destroy Canglan’s body insects suddenly collapse at the end of the black, and Canglan flies over in this critical gap and rushes straight to Hanshan night clock.
Seeing that the night bell in Hanshan led the neck high and roared, a black puppet gathered one step at a time to form a thick black wall, which stood in front of the surging billows. The surging billows were destroyed at a very fast speed. As soon as the black wall was formed, he had already reached his eyes. With a wave of his hand, his hands suddenly crossed, and it was cold light, sudden flashes and huge sharp thorns, which tore holes in the black dolls and broke a huge gap in the black wall.
Well, a layer of black has just broken, but it is denser. The black light is surging and the eyes are covered. These people are still nematodes.
When I closed my eyes, I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my forehead. It was the flame-like erythema that was violently encouraging me to destroy Canglan. Suddenly, a clear and hot wind suddenly blew away all the insects that stuck on my face and quickly extended to my body, blocking out the insect swarms.
Destroy Cang Lan’s eyebrows and sneer. With a murderous look of flying to death, he rushed through a huge black fog and took the Hanshan night bell in front of him.
The sharp thorn in the hand has already hit the old monster’s face first, and the cold mountain night bell suddenly screams and rolls on the ground, clutching the thick black blood, and the face howls as if awakened by this call. Those who have fallen to the ground are still in shape, and they stumble and falter to destroy the surging billows of the anti-Japanese war.
Destroy the surging billow heart the slightest fear to meet this piece of dark offensive, and rush to seize the neck of Hanshan Night Bell, and crush him to the ground, and then try to hold the throat of Hanshan Night Bell by force.
Strong gamey smell splashed and thick black blood dyed the silver light and sharp thorns into a dirty black. The right hand gripped the Hanshan Night Bell, and the left hand waved the cold and cold mountain high, knocking down the shaking puppets to the ground. A group of physically disabled puppets had little atmospheric strength, so that the Hanshan Night Bell could not be issued, so that he could not control those puppets to get in the way.
Er, the neck of the cold mountain bell is gradually cracked, and the sharp thorns in Canglan’s hands are also cut deeper and deeper, and the body is gradually pressed face to face to get the blackened face of the cold mountain bell.
You kill me now. I didn’t expect to be suppressed. I was so powerful that I destroyed Cang Lan. His estimation of the ancient evil spirit was still poor. I had to stretch my hands trembling and hold down the dagger in the hand of Cang Lan, so that people could solve the method of poison and you could not practice successfully.
You’re such a waste, and your method of poison can’t be so bad that heaven and man can solve it. Destroy Cang Lan with a cold smile and cling to the blackened face of Hanshan Night Clock. I want to take your life.
I asked you to let you swallow the secret body, and the meridians were disordered. I wanted to kill Canglan with the fierce attack of black nematodes, but this young man was bitten by insects and actually survived.
Thank you for your good pleasure, Cang Lan’s eyes are cold and evil, and you laugh at me high. I will die if you don’t let our city.
Destroy the surging billows and suddenly press the center of gravity to press the strength of the Ministry in your hands, and stab at it. Listen to a flesh-and-blood tear, and the neck of Hanshan Night Bell is limply folded.
Just swallow Dan medicine Hanshan night bell has partially assimilated into a puppet whose neck is still connected with flesh, but it has not yet expired. It is still caught and destroyed. Cang Lan’s hand is dying and dying. A cold heart needs to add the last force to completely cut off his head, but he feels that two pieces of cold light on his chest are instantly cut into the flesh.
The secret treasure needs to be taken alive before it can be heard by me. A cold sound comes from the top of the head to destroy Cang Lan. Quickly raise your left hand and stab it. The cold snow flying immediately turns around and rolls to destroy Cang Lan with a flip on his back.
Destroy the surging billows and flip the cold snow flying. I don’t know where it came from. The strength is more different than that of World War I outside Hanshan City. It is about drilling out the surging billows. The method of poison and gas is insufficient, but it turns out that it will be dumped by him.
This bastard destroyed Cang Lan and fell on his back, but immediately he hit the ground on both sides with his arms, and then he flew back several steps. The bite of the method insect bit down to the limit and suppressed most of his strength. Although it gradually weakened with the exhaustion of Hanshan Night Clock, it turned out to be a cold and snowy wind.
See the cold snow flying quickly turned around and grabbed the ground, and it was still a breath. The night bell was aimed at his soft neck and bitten like a wolf.
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Destroying Cang Lan is not close to the cold snow flying, but it can also be clearly heard that a sloped explosion and a black lotus flower water column rushed up and blew into a dirty powder on the head of the cold snow flying.
Seeing the cold snow flying tightly pressing the dying cold mountain night bell, the old monster’s face was a virtual blackened face, as if it were full of frightened folds and he was no longer dumb. He never thought that this puppet was controlled by him in turn, and it seemed that he had a very disguised and sinister heart in his chest.
Destroy surging billows also awe-inspiring a surprised, but immediately shifted the direction. The cold snow flew to kill Hanshan Night Bell. The offensive could not stop him from raising his hand, wiping his face and splashing black blood. The sharp thorn turned out to be a point on the surface of the water and didn’t scratch him at all. When he saw the surging billows, he turned his body and kicked himself up. A month of white flash went straight to the middle school to cut off the black worm and green radish.