Looking at the blaster of Vulcan war, Zilan Fairy immediately snorted coldly, but there was no irate look and no words in her expression. Her hand was slightly raised, and’ Jin Jiao Jian’ went to sell it and turned into two golden dragons with a hundred feet. The golden light flashed, and the body of Vulcan war was smashed, and it was cut in half.

上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园广州98场推荐 Looking at the blaster of Vulcan war, Zilan Fairy immediately snorted coldly, but there was no irate look and no words in her expression. Her hand was slightly raised, and’ Jin Jiao Jian’ went to sell it and turned into two golden dragons with a hundred feet. The golden light flashed, and the body of Vulcan war was smashed, and it was cut in half.

Looking at the blaster of Vulcan war, Zilan Fairy immediately snorted coldly, but there was no irate look and no words in her expression. Her hand was slightly raised, and’ Jin Jiao Jian’ went to sell it and turned into two golden dragons with a hundred feet. The golden light flashed, and the body of Vulcan war was smashed, and it was cut in half.

However, at the moment when a dust child and others were dumbfounded and the frightened Vulcan war was cut in half,’ Jin Jiao Jian’ was castrated, and in a flash it appeared at the side of the huge body in the sky. When the waist was cut, the Vulcan body of Jinyang was also cut in half.
Zilan Fairy quickly withdrew’ Jinjiao Scissors’, looked at each other coldly, and stopped talking. One dust son and others were all at a loss and were at a loss. One dust son suddenly became furious, and his hands shot out two dark green fire, which turned into two dragons and shot at Zilan Fairy.
Violet fairy cold hum 1, also don’t explain, is ready to raise your right hand, but eyebrows a wrinkly slightly, as if aware of something, and then slowly put down.
"Ha ha, it’s a’ Golden Jiao Scissors’. I’m afraid that even at the peak of the war against the angry gods, it’s definitely not too much to give. I’m the leader of Tongtian, and I’m worthy of being one of the three ancestors of Xiandao. I can refine this traditional Chinese medicine instrument. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely go and visit it."
Suddenly two dragon heads stretched out in the void, which was the first step of a huge body whose sky was cut in half. When I opened my mouth, I took a slight breath, and I sucked the Ssangyong used by a dust son into my mouth, as if it were a full meal, and I made a slight burp.

Chapter 217 monolithic integrated circuit
Chapter 217 monolithic integrated circuit
In the sky, both the huge body that was cut in half and the Vulcan war that was cut in two pieces quickly gathered together. Even the magma in the "crater" at the top of the hill cooled down in succession, and the hot gas was pulled out and gathered in the air, and finally turned into a figure, and the whole body was shrouded in the golden orange fire.
Figure slightly open mouth, gently suck, body inflammation Yang true fire, instantly sucked into the mouth, disappear, at the foot of Ssangyong, although still just the spirit of the dragon, but after the care of Jinyang promotion, strength is also rising, at the instigation of Jinyang, slightly unwilling to stare around, slowly fade, was taken back to Vulcan armor.
It is still a leisure decoration, but the black hair, I do not know when, has increased a lot, among which the light is flashing and the energy is flowing. Obviously, after this promotion, Jinyang’s whole body has evolved, and even the full head of hair has been inexplicably energized.
Slowly open your eyes and slowly shoot at Xuanzhenzi and others. The latter quickly bowed his head. Jinyang smiled and said, "Xuanzhenzi, I know that you decided to swear allegiance to me that day, which is entirely the trend of interests, not that you really want to follow me."
"I dare not, my Lord!" Xuanzhenzi can’t fathom the original Jinyang, and even more can’t fathom today’s Jinyang. When she heard Jinyang asking about the past, she didn’t know what Jinyang was doing. She just answered carefully and looked nervous.
Jinyang smiled and said at once, "Xuanzhenzi, don’t be nervous. I didn’t mean anything else. Please hear me out first. I didn’t mean to blame you. Originally, everyone came together because of interests, and interests are the real goal that everyone pursues. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. "
In a flash, Jinyang suddenly appeared behind Xuanzhenzi. Raising his right hand, he patted Xuanzhenzi slightly and said calmly, "Since you can represent the whole Presbyterian Mission, I want to ask you, if I, Jinyang Zi, decide to take refuge in Xiandao, how many people among the rest of my people will object?"
When this comes out. They are all slightly one leng, only a dust child expressionless, Jinyang such a decision, he already knows, to be exact, let Jinyang make this decision, his influence of a dust child, is also a big piece.
At the bottom of the list, I was born all by myself. He has been protecting Zhi Xiang Fairy and freya, the precious daughter of Jinyang, in the dark. This time, he was summoned by Jinyang, and this time he was coming. Although he usually has no opinion, he showed his alert side at the moment and looked at Jinyang’s face slightly. With the expression of a dust child, I suddenly became very centered and stopped talking.
Jinyang smiled, looked at Xuanzhenzi three feet away and said, "Elder, do you mean you decided to be the first to oppose me?"
XuanZhenZi whole body a slight quiver, hurriedly said: "dare not, my Lord, since the day has sworn allegiance. Naturally, I will stand on the same side as your honor. It’s not up to you to make any decision, and the twenty of us will never object. "
"Very well. Then tell me, how many people in my Jiulian Jianzong Houshan base will speak out against my decision? " Jinyang laughed, it seems that time is really not a thing, and people like Xuanzhenzi have also been ground into such cowardice.
"This. . 。 ” XuanZhenZi slightly become speechless, I don’t know what to reply, nervous, body trembling slightly.
If the Jinyang standing in front of him is ten years ago, even if the strength of Jinyang is ten generations higher than his, he is not afraid of what Jinyang will do to him, but at the moment, Jinyang is no longer the docile boy at the beginning. He not only has his own thoughts, but also has strong and incomparable ambitions. A little bit, maybe it will lead to fatal disaster.
Suddenly, Xuanzhenzi felt cold all over, and quickly looked up and saw Jinyang’s murderous eyes in his smile. His whole body suddenly felt a tingle, and he quickly said, "No, there won’t be any."
Jinyang was slightly surprised. This old ghost, who has lived for thousands of years, began to understand so quickly? I secretly care about it and mumble, "Oh? How can you be sure? "
Xuanzhenzi looked at Jinyang slightly, and found that the eyes of Jinyang at this moment were full of doubts and surprises. The extremely concealed murderous look disappeared, and suddenly her heart was slightly relieved. She said coldly, "If there is one, I will kill one, and then I will kill two pairs. Until all those who oppose it are killed, naturally no one will oppose you again."
Jinyang exulted in his heart, but his expression was serious. He said, "Nonsense, the people left by our people are rare, and we must never kill innocent people. However, those who affect the unity of our people can’t be unreasonable. Naturally, we must clean them up. Our people naturally need to be monolithic, and unity is the way out."
Xuanzhenzi immediately replied: "Yes, my Lord, I understand what you mean, and I will definitely do as you say, and there will never be any mistakes."
Jinyang immediately smiled and said, "That’s good. You two will stay."
"Xuanzhenzi, go back first and find a way to transfer all the people who have cultivated into the body of Vulcan. Vulcan Island is full of aura, giving you a month to transfer all of them. Before long, good and evil will start a war. At that time, it may lead to many powerful people. If it is recognized, it will be a trouble."
"Yes, my Lord." Xuanzhenzi kowtowed slightly to Jinyang, not knowing what to do, knowing in her heart that from this moment on, Jinyang was no longer the junior disciple who was crushed by him by life’s core monuments.
The other 17 people were also slightly kotow, and their figure flashed and disappeared. From Jinyang’s body, there was an air of fear in their hearts, which was almost empty and covered them all the time. The only idea in their hearts was to stay away from here.
Without waiting for Jinyang to speak, he said to himself, "I understand that my task is to protect the little girl freya. Is freya the only one left in the whole dragon?"
Body with a flash, but also disappear, since the whole life know that freya followed Jinyang for nearly fifty years, in addition to the master who was reincarnated, just count the little girl’s highest position in Jinyang’s heart. As long as he protects the little girl, Jinyang will not be mistreated in the future, but also save energy, as long as he hides in the dark and drinks a little wine, it is very worry-free.
Jinyang smiled and secretly called the old boy clever. He turned his head and said gently to Violet Fairy, "Violet Fairy, you should understand that it was just a test to see how much weight you really have. Do you mind? There are many words in the error-free novel network. "
Violet fairy coldly hum, slightly turned away.

Chapter 218 A little wary
Chapter 218 A little wary
A month passed silently.
Although the whole American continent, the Central Plains Gate and the Western Holy See are locked in a close battle, Jinyang is still on Vulcan Island, and it is absolutely impossible for Jinyang to leave before all the people are transferred to the island.
Although the strength of these newcomers is not strong, anyway, they are the foundation of their future rise, and they can’t be careless. Looking at wave after wave of people moving to Vulcan Island, Jinyang’s heart is becoming more and more vigilant.
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In order to increase the protection of Vulcan Island, Jinyang alone, the entire four-phase extinction array, to re-sacrifice, at least doubled the power, different from the past.
Although the power of the large array has increased, Jinyang is still not at ease. After some dispute, it reminds me of the spirit beast captured a month ago, the Chinese Zodiac, and the inner Dan of Peacock King was swallowed up by Jinyang, and the twelve gods have no way out. Under the threat of violence in Jinyang, they can only swear allegiance to Jinyang.
The Twelve Spirit Beasts, driven by the Twelve Gods, combined with the secret method of Jinyang, based on Vulcan Island, laid out the famous large array’ heavenly stems and earthly branches Guardian Large Array’, based on the Twelve Spirit Beasts, and its power was definitely several grades higher than that of the four-phase extinction large array. Jinyang secretly experimented, and I’m afraid even ordinary immortals could not break through the array.
In order to improve the strength of the people quickly, Jinyang directly broke a corner of the center of the earth with the help of the supreme power of’ Golden Jiao Scissors’, which led to the fire in the center of the earth. Originally, the hill really turned into a volcano under the high temperature of the fire in the center of the earth, but fortunately, it had the secret method of Jinyang. Lock up the whole hill, or the whole Atlantic will be in great trouble with the power of the heart of the earth, not to mention Vulcan Island.
During the day, absorb the fire energy contained in the real fire of the sun, and then escape into the volcanic magma at night, and practice with the help of the earth’s core fire evil spirit. Although the fire element force contained in the underground fire evil spirit contains a few magazines. However, under the sacrifice of self-inflammation and true fire, removing impurities is just a little effort.
Although the area of Vulcan Island is not large, the island base is surprisingly large. Jinyang made every effort to hollow out the island base, take out the rocks in it and imprison it around it by secret method. It’s not a problem to draw out the heart of the earth and hide a hundred thousand people. Anyone who refines the body of Vulcan can can freely enter and leave the magma, and practice day and night, and the realm naturally rises rapidly.
Although at present, all the people in the world strength. Sweeping the whole Central Plains gate is a cinch, but after all, it can’t be too arrogant, and it can only be transferred slowly in batches. For a whole month, all the people who cultivate the body of Vulcan. This was all transferred to Vulcan Island, within the Nine Lotus Sword Sect, leaving only his disciples who have not yet reached the level of robbery.
Jinyang stayed on the island for a whole month, for one thing, in order to fully absorb the energy in the body, refine the body of Vulcan and improve the realm, and for another, he was afraid that the Buddhist bald donkey would notice the clue of Vulcan Island and cause unnecessary trouble.
Although thunderbolt bodhisattva was successfully killed, it was a last resort. Thunderbolt bodhisattva’s death. I’m afraid I’ve already noticed the western paradise. But for a whole month, Elysium didn’t do anything, and Jinyang had to be careful.
However, having Jin Jiao scissors in your hand has made Jinyang feel a lot more stable. With Jinyang’s current strength and the invincible attack power of Jin Jiao scissors, even if you come to a Buddha, you must let him come back, whether it is the golden body of the Bodhisattva or the golden body of the Buddha, you are equally vulnerable in front of Jin Jiao scissors.
Vulcan Island, northwest corner, in artificial crater.
A dust son is also sitting in the magma, surrounded by powerful fire force, which is rapidly converging towards his palm. He is trying his best to sacrifice the magic weapon left by Peacock King, Thousand Feathers and Purple Feathers.
A series of tactics are played out, which slowly obliterates the spiritual brand left by Peacock King, and then penetrates his own spiritual brand into it with secret methods, which truly becomes his own magic weapon.
Hundreds of meters away, Jinyang’s eyes were closed, his face was solemn, and he was suspended above the magma. His whole body was shrouded in the golden orange phlogistic Cindy Yang fire, and the real fire was churning and burning.
Constantly absorb the evil fire in the heart, remove the impurities, refine the essence, the fire force, and then melt into each cell in a secret way to increase the strength of the body.
At the same time, Jinyang meditated for the first time to realize the incomplete memory left by Zhu Rong, from which, he really realized many useful things, countless secret spells of the universe, and spells with the power of conan the destroyer.
The most useful thing is that in my memory, there is a passage dedicated to telling the difference between magic weapons and weapons, which makes Jinyang have a deeper understanding of the two Vulcan soldiers. In the wild, when the eight ethnic groups fought, they used weapons instead of instruments.
Ordinary weapons, such as swords made by Wulin people, are extremely precious in forging materials and superb in forging technology. Even the worst ordinary weapons can compete with ordinary fairy wares.
The magic weapon is an advanced weapon with a soul. It is no longer a simple dead thing, just like the celestial instrument in the Xiandao Buddhism. It has certain judgment ability. The most important thing is that the magic weapon can constantly forge itself and seek perfection through the accumulation of time.
For a long time, Jinyang opened his eyes slightly. Although there was not much information left in Zhu Rong, it made Jinyang have a further understanding of the universe. He looked at the palm of his hand slightly, and two golden dragons shuttled in a cloud.
Fairy Zilan left, and according to her own words, she went back to heaven. Before leaving, she cut Jin Jiao and stayed, and strictly ordered Jinyang to keep her promise and abide by the agreement that they had privately negotiated. If Jinyang made a slip of the tongue, she would surely go down again and never spare him.