"Tang Wenlong is a monster, and the yellow race can actually have such physical qualities." Before the competition, several reporters got together to discuss that the most important thing in the competitive competition is to expose the star. Only when the star has news points can it be worth seeing.

上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园广州98场推荐 "Tang Wenlong is a monster, and the yellow race can actually have such physical qualities." Before the competition, several reporters got together to discuss that the most important thing in the competitive competition is to expose the star. Only when the star has news points can it be worth seeing.

"Tang Wenlong is a monster, and the yellow race can actually have such physical qualities." Before the competition, several reporters got together to discuss that the most important thing in the competitive competition is to expose the star. Only when the star has news points can it be worth seeing.

A Yahoo sports reporter said, "Yes, it broke my understanding that the yellow race is physically weak. At this rate of development, we will have the opportunity to compete for MVP this year!"
"There are scoring champions who are less than 21 years old in the NBA? Oh, this is crazy! " Other reporters interface said.
Chapter one hundred and twelve Different lives
The spotlight shone on the stadium, and the two teams pulled up to fight.
On the black side, after the 76ers adopted a new team this year, the overall value of the players has increased, and the stadium has performed well. The new jerseys are sold out of stock, and the general manager can laugh in his dreams.
The Knicks chose the classic white jersey at home or followed the NBA general dark and light jersey matching competition system.
Both sides jump ball Chandler bounces better than Gasol takes the basketball away with one palm higher.
This year, the Knicks’ summer signings were very successful. After Chandler came to new york, the defense of future generations’ criticism will obviously be greatly improved. However, the point guard of the Knicks is still a long-standing problem at present. Tony Douglas is not up to the starting level. Byron Davis is recovering from injury, and how successful he will be when he comes back from injury is also a doubt. Mike Bibby is currently on the injury list. The signing of Chinese-American point guard Wei Linhao is actually a move.
Coach D ‘Antoni has a hard time in the past year, coaching new york’s current team, and signing after signing. If there is still no improvement, it is estimated that he will be in a bad position.
Today, in the face of powerful neighbors, he simply ruled out Landry Fields, Iman Shanport, Anthony, Stoudemire Chandler and even the point guard.
"This is D ‘Antoni’s coaching style, which is also his most admirable place." Collins was full of praise when he saw the Knicks starting lineup.
Coach Bob very much agrees with Collins that "D ‘Antoni is really talented, and he can always make some bold changes. Only he and Nelson Sr. are the most creative in the NBA, not only his ability to run and blast tactics, but also some other aspects."
"Yes, but the Knicks’ overall array defect is still quite obvious. There is always a problem without the point guard organization. Cameron Anthony is a super scorer, but he has never been able to organize the team’s offensive ability. He is not McGrady or a point guard from Tang Wenlong."
It’s strange that the Knicks didn’t have a point guard. Landry Fields delivered the ball directly to Anthony after half-time, and then he and Shannon Porter pulled out of the position and the 76 ers didn’t double-team, leaving Anthony and Tang Wenlong one-on-one
Today, Tang Wenlong volunteered to defend Anthony, and he was right when he came.
Anthony turned around and took the ball with his back and came over to face Tang Wenlong’s spider-like arm. He was also a little afraid.
He stretched out his right foot and gently tried to put the ball on his waist in the standard three-threat posture.
For the first time, the crowd pulled the ball to give him a one-on-one hit. Even Stoudemire was well-advised to run to the other half and didn’t mean to come and pick and roll.
Anthony claims that the kaleidoscope attack means are complicated and diverse, and it is this poor change test step that is most famous.
The most difficult thing to prevent when Tang Wenlong and Anthony fight one-on-one in summer is Anthony’s exploratory step, but other things, such as back-to-back singles, are well defended
After a tentative step, Tang Wenlong will not move, and Anthony will really dribble through!
He was very strong, and after one step, he hit him like a giant bear, and then "bang" he collided with Tang Wenlong.
Tang Wenlong’s strength is not low in the small forward, but it is still too much for him to fight against a talented player like Anthony.
At this time, Anthony’s second wave of sudden arrival leaned against Tang Wenlong in a rolling manner and squeezed into the line.
Tang Wenlong has a mind. According to Anthony’s mind, he likes to suddenly withdraw his power at this time to make a jump shot.
Sure enough, Anthony suddenly paused and retreated to the right for a step and a half. Turning around was a mid-range jumper.
Tang Wenlong was prepared and reacted very quickly. After pulling, he bounced his long arm and rose high!
"It’s time!" Tang Wenlong’s fingertips slightly felt the touch of hard objects and knew that he had slightly rubbed the basketball.
He turned and roared "Rebound!"
Pau Gasol’s 12kg body weight is dead. Card owner Chandler West saw the rebounding point and reached out with his hands to catch the rebounding basketball.
After Tang Wenlong roared, he went straight to the fast break, and the small thin legs came at a fast speed
David Weiss flew in just in time. The Knicks didn’t have a point guard, but Fields and Shanxiang Porter were very active in retreating. One went to the basket to find a position and the other followed Tang Wenlong closely.
In defensive counter-attack, Tang Wenlong likes to walk in the middle position to get a wider field of vision, and at the top of the arc, he has the highest three-pointer percentage.
Tang Wenlong looked around, and a random hit was given to the ball and killed Lori.
Lori’s basketball rushed to the basket like a small shell. In the face of Fields’ defense, the whole person floated out with one hand and a low-angle cricket basket.
Hit! 2 ratio
The Knicks attacked Anthony and Stoudemire and made a pick-and-roll pass to Fields, who ran outside, and then gave it to Tai Sen Chandler, who made a plan to get the ball and tactfully gave it back to the basket. At this time, it just happened to come to Shannon!
Shannon Porter is a player born in Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a rookie who just entered the league this year and was picked out in the 17th overall pick in the first round. His specialty is his excellent athletic ability and good defense.
But his attack with the ball was terrible. After taking the ball, he obviously hesitated, and the 76 ers took turns to defend in place. Just now, so many tactical moves were in vain.
The ball is given to Stoudemire, and he dribbles a jump shot! David West followed, but Stoudemire shot, and his hand was very steady.
Hit 2 to 2
The 76ers attacked Gasol to pick and roll Lori. After Tang Wenlong ran in the opposite direction, he ran to the bottom corner with the help of West’s defense.
Stoudemire doesn’t have a strong sense of defense and doesn’t want to jump out to defend perimeter players in the face of changing defense.
Tang Wenlong caught Lori’s ball and made a three-pointer before Anthony chased the defense.
If people interfere, Tang Wenlong’s shooting percentage is higher. After mastering all the rhythms, the basketball spins beautifully and drills into the basket 5-2.
Anthony looked back with bitterness at Stoudemire’s ball, which had run to the frontcourt. He was blocked by the cover of West’s ball, but Stoudemire didn’t mean to make up for it. This season, he wanted to defend well and make some achievements, but he didn’t score any more points according to the degree of lax defense.
However, it happened that Stoudemire is the Knicks with the highest salary and strong offensive ability. If he is not allowed to play a game, I am afraid that Dolan is not so generous.
Sometimes Anthony will envy Tang Wenlong and Ross, two guys who are both strong and weak, but as soon as they enter the league, they will have a teammate who loves defense, waiting for a few defensive players to join them in the second and third seasons, and then they can grasp the attack by themselves, and the team’s record will soar steadily.
Chapter one hundred and thirteen It didn’t ring again
Spike Lee, the star-studded director of Madison Square Garden, is the number one big-name fan wearing the Knicks classic blue-orange jersey and his delightful round-rimmed glasses to cheer for the home team.
"I didn’t shout loudly again." Tang Wenlong left his pie mouth and saw the little old man jumping and rejoicing when he made a free throw.
This is his 11th point in a single quarter, and the 76ers lead the Knicks 25-23 again.
The Knicks feel good today, too. Like Stoudemire, he can not only make a contribution to shooting in the middle distance, but also jump up and kill the 76ers when he distributes the ball to his basket. Gasol just rested early because of two fouls.
However, it is still very difficult to prevent Anthony from being evenly divided in the confrontation between Tang Wenlong and Anthony. Especially in the regular game, he can do more changes by adding teammates to pick and roll and cover. Anthony also scored 11 points in 4 of 9 shots in this section.
"It seems that Cameron Anthony is a little worse. Tang Wenlong can’t prevent him." Yang Anqi turned to Fang Chuxia and smiled lightly.
Fang Chu-xia retorted, "No, the Knicks can’t prevent Tang Wenlong either."
Yang Anqi looked at her with a pair of "I know you" eyes and said with a smile, "Anyway, your Tang Wenlong is the best."
Tang Wenlong didn’t finish the first quarter. He spent a lot of energy on the defensive end and the offensive end in the first quarter. Collins took a break in Tang Wenlong before grasping the dynamics of the game.
Tang Wenlong and Iguodala walked side by side on the court and asked, "Chandler’s defense is not so bad. In the Knicks, he can’t play the feeling of being a pillar in the Mavericks."
Iguodala smiled. "The Dallas Mavericks are famous in the defense league, but the Knicks are now a big booth. Although it can be seen that Anthony’s personal defense is very active, the whole team has no physical defense and no level at all."
Tang Wenlong asked, "The most layered defense in the league should be the Spurs."