"Who? Is that the man who set you free? What’s his name? "

上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园广州品茶网 "Who? Is that the man who set you free? What’s his name? "

"Who? Is that the man who set you free? What’s his name? "

"Yes, he, he is. I can’t name him."
Hearing this, Xiao Wu couldn’t stay any longer. He put the skins at the door and left quietly.
Xiao Wu has only one feeling to live in this world. A man will be humble if he doesn’t have absolutely strong power.
Momo will be a beautiful memory of the past.
Momo is a kind poor girl who can’t control her own destiny. If she hadn’t met Xiao Wu, her life with her lover might not have changed at all, but she could only endure it humbled.
Momo may never forget Xiao Wu, but Xiao Wu doesn’t know when he will forget her.
This is that people with different lives must have different fates-
Sun Moon City, the capital of the Sanqing Dynasty, was built more than 2,000 years ago. After more than 2,000 years of exhibition, it has changed from a small town to one of the few imperial cities in the prehistoric civilization.
Among the main regimes of prehistoric civilization, there are the blood river boundary in the west and the blood river boundary in the south, which is separated from the Sanqing Dynasty by a sea. One third of the territory of the big demon state borders the Sanqing Dynasty, including the monster prairie, which has just been incorporated into the territory of the Sanqing Dynasty. However, everyone who has been to the blood city and Blackwind knows that these two king cities can’t be compared with the moon city at all.
The charm of Sun Moon City lies in its prosperity, its grandeur and its economic, political and cultural atmosphere.
Sun Moon City is irreplaceable. It is not only the most powerful Sanqing Dynasty in prehistoric culture, but also the first city in the world in a sense.
In Sun Moon City. There are not only the Sun Moon Palace, the highest power center of the Sanqing Dynasty, but also countless religious groups, whose bosses and children are all powerful masters. They all live in the same city and fight hard for their own interests. On the surface, they are calm, but in reality they are undercurrents and turbulent struggles.
The most powerful of these sects is Feitianmen. Its main altar is located on the only mountain in Sun Moon City. That mountain is called Dushan Mountain, which has beautiful scenery and is as peculiar as the fairyland mountain on the monster beast prairie. Therefore, the general altar of Feitianmen is actually a summer resort in Sanqing di wang.
The head of Feitianmen is called Lei Chen Tian, as the name implies, strong and overbearing. His cultivation has reached the level of the post-immortal like the four Xuanjia generals of the Sanqing Dynasty, and there are thousands of disciples. In addition, dealing with the emperor’s house is based on the fact that Feitianmen is already an indispensable existence in Sun Moon City.
There is actually a more important relationship. That is the husband of Princess Sunshine of big princess in Sanqing Dynasty or Princess Moonlight, a disciple handed down by Lei Chen Tian. When Xiao Wu talked about this relationship, Xiao Wu made up his mind to be a local strongman like Lei Chen Tian. He’d better be rare.
There are many people who greet Princess Moonlight, including Princess Sunlight and Prince Giant Wood, and the husband of Princess Sunlight settles Wang Bu’s soldiers.
Anding Wang Bu Bingjia is not as handsome as Xiaoyao Wang Hanlin. But his eyes are shining, his body is strong, and he knows at a glance that he is not an ordinary person, but he is many times better than the sick ghost.
A kind of insincere greeting and polite infantry armor led a group of imperial armor to open the way, and the giant wooden prince was in the center, and Princess Moonlight was in the left, Princess Sunlight was in the right, and Xiao Wu and Zuo Qinghong followed Princess Moonlight’s ass and walked slowly all the way to the palace, Sun Moon Palace. The villagers in Shitao Village, such as Elder Jia Shi and Lan Tiande, have to follow everyone’s ass because their status is only a little higher than that of slaves in this extremely status-conscious world.
The appearance of Princess Sunlight is almost the same as that of Princess Moonlight. It’s just that there is a hint of cunning and cruelty between her brow. After all, the appearance of the giant wooden prince is similar to that of Princess Moonlight, but it is reflected in the man’s body. It is not beautiful and refined, but resolute. The giant wooden prince has an angular face, a high nose and a short black beard on his chin, which gives people a tough guy’s feeling all over.
There is only one person who sees the most along the way between Princess Sunshine and Prince Jumu. This person is Xiao Wu, who will officially become the Lord of the monster beast prairie.
Xiao Wu has been deliberately avoiding the eyes of Princess Sunshine and Prince Giant Wood.
But even with the most distinguished princess and prince of the Sanqing Dynasty, Xiao Wu is the most conspicuous existence, not because he is handsome or how outstanding his temperament is, but because he is arrogant and smoking a cigar thicker than his thumb.
As early as before, when I was looking for medicinal materials for Momo to refine Dan medicine, I found excellent tobacco. There is no such thing as flue-cured tobacco and cigars in this world, and the real name of tobacco is not tobacco, so I wake up Shencao. Wake-up grass is only an auxiliary material of some pills, but when it is covered with a golden shield, it is wrapped in a tube and enters the blast furnace, and then becomes a cigar when it finally comes out.
Xiao Wu, who smoked a special cigar made for him by the Golden Shield Twelve, thought that even the top Brazilian cigar was not as good as this one in his mouth.
Xiao Wu was smoking a cigarette, but the accompanying officials who followed him were all frowning, and their faces were so black that they almost screwed out of water. In their eyes, Lord Xiao was a local ruffian and hooligan. How could such a person become a Lord?
The official title system of Sanqing Dynasty is actually a very strange system. On the surface, the Lord is just a four-grade local official, and there are also silver belt envoys, gold belt envoys, jade belt envoys and vassals above the Lord. But if it is for a person who is an official in the DPRK to choose, he would rather be a Lord than a silver belt envoy, gold belt envoy or jade belt envoy, because in Sanqing Dynasty, the Lord is actually synonymous with "fat vacancy" and "local emperor"
Xiao Wu is unaware that he has become the focus of many eyes. He only cares about his cigars. In his eyes, it seems that the spectacular scene of thousands of people watching and cheering like a tide does not exist at all. It seems that he is the only one walking in this bustling Sun Moon City.
I hope he doesn’t get tuberculosis, so he will frown and say to his sister, Fire Phoenix.
Fire phoenix spread out her hands, and her expression was very helpless.
Through several streets, the palace, the sun, the moon and the palace came into view like a giant beast lying on the earth.
In front of Sun Moon Palace, there is a huge square that can accommodate ten thousand people to practice. Ordinary people can no longer set foot here, but at the moment there are thousands of imperial troops standing on the square. Uniform black armor uniform multiplier pike neat array like an invincible unshakable momentum!
It takes 999 stone steps to cross the square to reach the palace gate of Sun Moon Palace. There are also two black armor guards standing on the left and right sides of each stone step. The weapon pike in his hand was put away with a click when the infantry line A, who was waiting to lead the way, arrived.
There are twenty thousand imperial guards in Sun Moon City. The individual soldier’s training is not as good as that of Mingyue Ride, Shihun Army, Giant Knife Army and Black Hawk Ride. The individual soldier’s training is uneven, but the number is higher than that of any one of the four armies, so no one of the four armies can underestimate the imperial army. The imperial army is a man of infantry armor. Xiao Wu is a little confused about making such a spectacular scene now. He is sure that this is not a ostentation and extravagance to welcome him because his level is not enough. It is very likely that Princess Sunshine changed her style of using sugar-coated cannonballs in the past to show her strength and intimidate her and her master Princess Moonlight.
Princess Moonlight has always been sullen with a pretty face and a green red brow, and it seems that they feel very unhappy and Xiao Wu happen to coincide.
Entering the resplendent Sun and Moon Palace is another spectacular sight. Compared with Jade Fox Palace, a steel city that Xiao Wu once marveled at, the former is a bright moon and the latter is just a pearl.
With Xiao Wu, I went to see a chamberlain in Sanqing di wang, but there was a message that Sanqing di wang was meeting with the big demon king, the son fish, the son jade, a mermaid family known as the best man in the world. Princess Moonlight and her party had to return to meet Sanqing di wang another day.
Returning to the Moon Princess’s residence in Haoyue Palace, a maid-in-waiting took the fire phoenix, fire fierce, Jia Shi elder and others down, but the Moon Princess left Xiao Wu and Zuo Qinghong behind.
"Xiao Wu" said Princess Moonlight seriously, "Do you know why di wang gave me the monster prairie?"
I don’t know. Xiao Wu said.
Princess Moonlight said, "Because I came up with the idea of sending troops to the monster beast prairie to capture several ten-level monster beasts, and I am the only one who knows how to open the mirror of light. This is also the reason why Wang Di gave me the monster beast prairie."
"Princess, you mean?
Don’t pretend because that’s what he wants. There has been speculation before that the purpose of Sanqing di wang’s capture of several ten-level monster beasts is to use Inner Dan to open the light mirror, but the idea came from Princess Moonlight, which was beyond his expectation.
"What is the light mirror? Actually, I really want to know, because no one can define it yet." Princess Moonlight sighed. "My mother told me the secret of opening the light mirror before she died, but it’s ridiculous that di wang gave it to his new lover, Queen Luo. I feel angry when I think of that mermaid, but it’s also my mother’s punishment for them. She only told me the secret of opening the light mirror."
I heard Elder Jia Shi talk about this demon queen from the deep-sea mermaid family, and she knew that the Light Mirror was in her hand, but Xiao Wu didn’t know that the relationship between Princess Moonlight and her would be so stiff, which would inevitably affect his plan to seize the Light Mirror.
Xiao Wu said quietly, "Since only the princess knows the way to open the mirror of light, that’s the biggest bargaining chip. Besides the monster beast prairie, you can get more benefits, and my position as Lord is stable. Why worry about Princess Sunshine and the giant wooden prince getting involved?"
Zuo Qinghong looked disdainful and said, "Is the court battle as simple as you think? The monster beast prairie is such a huge territory that all parties have made efforts to attack it beforehand, and who doesn’t try to get a piece of it afterwards? You’d better figure out how not to make a fool of yourself when you meet your Majesty di wang in Sanqing. "
Xiao Wu looked at Zuo Qinghong. Although Zuo Qinghong lost face, he was not angry or angry at all. He lit a cigar and took a deep breath and then sprayed the smoke to Zuo Qinghong.
"Damn you-"with green red teng stood up from his chair. Ka took out a giant knife from the storage ring and went to purgatory.
Xiao Wu didn’t move. He turned his head to one side as if he didn’t see it.
"Green red! Put the knife away! " Before the battle, my own people began to fight. Princess Moonlight’s face has become very ugly.
"That’s right." Xiao Wu laughed shamelessly. "General Zuo’s anger is too strong. Look at me, I’m much more restrained. Besides, it’s a clown’s performance to take out a knife easily and scare people. How can General Zuo do this? "
Zuo Qinghong was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. She wanted to cut off Xiao Wu’s head with a knife, but under the harsh eyes of Princess Moonlight, she had to put away the giant knife purgatory.
"And you!" Princess Moonlight yelled, "You are not a good person either!"
Xiao Wu stopped talking.
A maid-in-waiting suddenly came in and knelt down and said, "Princess Sunshine is visiting."
Moonlight princess with a cold hum "go. Invite her in. I’ll see what tricks she wants to play. "
Princess Sunshine came. She changed her previous princess costume into a long white dress. On the long shawl hairpin, there is also a newly picked rose fragrance and body fragrance mixed together. An intoxicating aroma has already rushed to the front of everyone. Beautiful and refined, fluttering like a fairy; God is noble and elegant. There are many kinds of customs; Princess Sunshine has a more mature charm than Princess Moonlight.
Princess Sunshine didn’t bring her entourage. She personally held a gift box full of precious medicinal materials.
Before Princess Moonlight greeted Princess Sunlight aloud, she smiled and said, "I have been looking forward to my sister’s return for a long time. Has King Xiaoyao been healthy recently? My sister specially asked someone to bring some precious medicinal materials specially for wizards from the blood river world. Maybe King Xiaoyao will recover completely after eating them. "
Princess Moonlight said faintly, "Thank you, sister."