And the law and so, Doug Graff, too, just sometimes looked at the corner of Qing Ye’s eyes more vicious.

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And the law and so, Doug Graff, too, just sometimes looked at the corner of Qing Ye’s eyes more vicious.

Chapter one hundred and eighty-seven Nuwa has the news.
Yeluhe, Dograwoff, Mosang and others thought and sat there, as if isolated from the world, quietly watching the auction held at the auction house below.
The front of the VIP room is made of a kind of magic crystal stone, from which you can clearly see everything on the auction floor below.
Of course, apart from auctioning Qing Ye’s space ring, there are other precious treasures in this fireworks chamber of commerce, but compared with the space ring, these treasures are not worth mentioning. The space storage ring owned by Qing Ye is the last treasure, and the auction began at last.
The auction went smoothly, and all the major forces that entered the auction showed amazing charm. When bidding, they all added tens of thousands of gold coins.
Although Qing Ye paid attention to the auction table below, his gods spread out and explored all the people present.
What caused Ye Qingyi, however, was a middle-aged man of fifty who was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the VIP room. He could sit on the sofa in the middle, and his identity was certainly not simple. More importantly, the middle-aged man was a strong man in the sanctuary, but the fluctuating energy in the middle-aged man was different from that in Mosan.
The spiritual strength of this middle-aged man is much higher, but the strength of * * is very weak.
Qing Ye guess, it seems that the middle-aged man is a wizard of sanctuary, and it looks like, should be the bright Vatican of the dragon continent, dressed in red, and sanctuary, should be the archbishop in red.
According to Qing Ye’s understanding these days, the Dragon God is big: there are ten archbishops in red in the bright Vatican, and the archbishop in red is under the Pope, with great power. Under the Vatican, it can be said that one person is above ten thousand people.
Qing Ye guessed right, and Doug, the second prince of the rainy night empire, sat side by side with Steber, one of the top ten archbishops of the Holy See.
Stie ranks among the top ten archbishops of the Holy See in terms of strength, and ranks among the top wizards in the upper domain. It’s almost breaking through to the higher level of sanctuary. And it is highly valued by the Pope. So we were appointed to be responsible for the rainy night empire to light the Vatican to teach the total educational administration.
Rainy night empire. It is one of the three great empires in the mainland of Dragon God. The rainy night, ice and snow, and the sudden national strength of the three empires in the Dragon-God mainland are similar. Steber is responsible for the rainy night empire to total educational administration. In the light of the Vatican position is definitely not low. Even faintly overshadowed the archbishop in red who was in charge of the total educational administration of the two empires of ice and snow and Yuan Tu.
Every Pope is elected from the Cardinal Archbishop. And places are generally limited to the archbishop in red who is in charge of the total educational administration of the three empires. So Steber is one of the three people most likely to be elected as the next Pope.
Steber just pay attention to the following auction. Suddenly. I feel someone spying on me. Not eyebrows a wrinkly body magic. Trying to find out who it is. But magic doesn’t focus on finding the source. Not by surprise.
Qing Ye saw that Steber was aware that he was visiting him. I can’t help but take back God’s knowledge.
As the auction goes on. Has entered the * * almost all people are holding the heart waiting for the last moment arrival. Because. It’s finally time to auction the last item. Possess a ring for storing things in the spirit space. Even if some nobles present knew that they were unable to auction land. I also want to see this legendary ring with my own eyes.
There is no shortage of space in the Dragon Kingdom. Whether the storage ring is possessed by the spirit or the first one, regardless of its storage space, this space storage ring is destined to go down in history forever.
The space ring is finally going to be auctioned. Everyone’s eyes are wide open.
The aristocratic forces present changed with the auctioneer before the auction, and the chairman of the Fireworks Chamber of Commerce, Ente, presided over the auction of the space ring. Ente is very excited, and this historical moment will be opened by him. Since he became the president of the Fireworks Chamber of Commerce, over the years, he has never been able to participate in the sale of the hosted items in more than double digits.
He still remembers that the last time he presided over the auction was a jade with a blood of ten thousand years. Almost ten years later, he stood on this auction platform again.
Ente looked at the nobles below and eased his excitement. He said, "Thank you for coming to this auction. I think everyone has been waiting for this moment for a long time like me. So, now, let’s witness this moment of historical review together!" After that, he opened the red cloth covering the space storage ring and said excitedly, "The last treasure we auctioned in this auction is this space storage ring with a spirit!" "
When the red cloth was lifted, the space storage ring with yellowish light made by Qing Ye became the focus of all people at this moment.
It seems that people pay attention to themselves, and the soul of the earth bear in the space storage ring makes a faint roar, and the yellow light is more prosperous.
Everyone is one leng, then suddenly, looked at the ring’s eyes more hot, they understand that just the roar is the spirit.
Feel the earth bear surging soil series elements emanating from the ring, not only the small and medium-sized aristocrats who participated in the auction below showed blazing light, then
These people in the room are also short of breath.
Qing Ye sat there quietly, silently shaking his head. Is this necessary? It’s just a multiplier.
However, just have sinned against the rainy night empire’s second prince, Doug Graff, Ziggy Town can’t stay any longer. Qing Ye intends to leave Ziggy Town with big troops after the auction.
"I don’t know how much I can sell." Qing Ye heart andao, all of a sudden, Qing Ye felt there was a blazing light behind her, not frowned, turned to look, but a blonde girl sitting not far behind her, blonde girl saw Qing Ye found her, busy moving her eyes to other places, eyes panic.
At the sight of this, Qing Ye didn’t take it to heart.
The auction continued in full swing, and the parties kept raising prices.
It has a special ring for storing the spirit. Although the spirit is weak, it is not comparable to other artifact attacks and defenses, but it is the first one on the mainland of the Dragon God. Therefore, the auction starts at the original price of the artifact of 10 million crystal coins, and the price is increased by 10,000 crystal coins each time.
Ten million crystals are equal to one billion gold coins. Although this price makes every nobleman present discouraged, there are still many people competing to bid for it.
From the original dozens of people, when bidding slowly to one or two million crystal coins, only a dozen people competed there. When it rose to thirteen million crystal coins, only Liao Liao was left to compete there.
Among the competitors are Dograff, the second prince of Rain Empire, Steber, the Archbishop in Red, Wu Zhijing, the eldest prince of Ice and Snow Empire, Lengji, the second emperor of Yuan Dynasty, and Yeluhe of German and Italian families.
The Germans and Italians belong to the Yuan Dynasty, but they bid with the royal family of the Yuan Dynasty, which shows the strength of the Yuan Dynasty.
In the end, it was Wu Zhijing, the prince of the ice empire, who bought the space storage ring with fifteen million crystal coins.