Lin Luo didn’t seem to find Zhao Jing immersed in thoughts.

Gradually, Zhao Jing climbed to Shimen mouth with his ass pursed, and his hand touched Shimen. His whole heart beat like thunder, and his horse was about to succeed. He soon shocked the mainland, and spring was coming. "Come back" Lin Luo came out in a low voice. Zhao Jing’s excited face suddenly turned to […]

Aaron Mayasi was a little surprised. Just now, after Wu Chengjun’s attack, he occupied the wind. If he hadn’t been surprisingly strong, he might have been stripped of his arms and elbowed into his chest.

How powerful is Wu Chengjun’s elbow? Aaron knows his dull pain in his arms and he can’t help but feel a thrill. He has a thick calluses on his arms, which can’t be pierced by needles, but just now when Wu Chengjun hit his right elbow forward, he immediately felt pain in his arms. Wu […]

The Buddha is full of compassion.

Look at this Tathagata Buddha, even if he is the most heartless villain in the world, he may shed a tear of repentance from his heart. Yu Tianshen has a touch of hongxia, which seems to dye all the mountains and rivers red. These are two statues that can be exposed to heaven. It’s terrible […]

Then there were twenty heads, twenty heads pressed their handprints and bowed to Zhang Yiping like five supervisors, and then they all went out silently, and Zhang Yiping returned a bow to them as usual.

There has been a long queue outside the back door of twenty general managers. One by one, they come in to sign, press their fingerprints and bow to Zhang Yiping. Zhang Yiping responded one by one, and he suddenly felt that he was burdened with a heavy burden, not because he was tired of returning […]

See that Guo Min’s constitution is not normal, and Liao immediately moves.

Holding the sword of san huang, Guo Min’s face does not change color, and his input is as vast as the sea spirit. Gu Tianjiao’s blow must be borne by other methods. But no matter what he does, he must protect Brother Yi and his arrogance! "Don’t think that Guo Min will surely die." "Brother […]

The owners of these hotels are all local forces, except that the price is relatively expensive and weak, and the security is good. At the same time, all kinds of hotels are also very neat, which can be called a one-stop train for eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

If you can afford the price, most of them can get it for you! The room where he lives now is not only beautifully decorated, but also rare minerals. It can tolerate all kinds of physical energy attacks. Its area is less than half of a football field, and it can move at will, even […]

"Why is the power of Li Xuandao so terrible?"

"My god, everyone is running away!" After the wall collapsed, there were stunned faces. Those Chu brothers who hid behind the city wall and watched the scene of bustle immediately exclaimed and fled in all directions. "Where to run?" Li Xuandao drink a pair of eyes spit out thick flame. All the Chu brothers who […]

Although the scope is not large, it seems that it took two hours for three people to circle.

Ling Yuansheng arranged for the ancestor of the floating dust to rest at Baiyunding, and then organized his people to change the terrain according to the requirements of the ancestor of the floating dust. “ ` ` w w w ““ ` “ C`O`M Although it’s all minor changes, it can’t stand the need to […]

If so—

It’s worth killing a few more heads Gu Qingshan just thought like this, but he saw the darkness in the distance, and the flames moved one after another. They light up and light up the whole night. Gu Qingshan counted only to find that the sight range is this monster. However, a few monsters who […]

"I’m not at ease either!"

“……?” After a while, Feng Hongyu quietly pulled his clothes and whispered, "two dog, I think it’s convenient!" "Ok, I will accompany you!" They just car suddenly from the moonlit surface, an object is like a shell leaving a chamber. At first glance, it is aimed at the wind and the red fish. At this […]